A Single Gesture Behind Trump Fuels an Online Conspiracy Theory March 28, 2020 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) +4 Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Rumors and Misinformation Social Media Technology United States Politics and Government Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Rumors and Misinformation Social Media Technology United States Politics and Government
Founder of 8chan Faces Arrest on ‘Cyberlibel’ Charge February 27, 2020 Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT +1 Libel and Slander Mass Shootings NYT Technology Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT Libel and Slander Mass Shootings NYT Technology
A Year Later, Twitter’s New Banned Speech Policy Adds Little to the Old One July 09, 2019 Censorship Computers and the Internet +2 Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Social Media Technology Censorship Computers and the Internet Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Social Media Technology
Facebook Bans Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan and Others From Its Services May 02, 2019 Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Social Media + Technology Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Social Media Technology
‘Replacement Theory,’ a Racist, Sexist Doctrine, Spreads in Far-Right Circles March 18, 2019 Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Technology Whites + Women and Girls Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Technology Whites Women and Girls
How YouTube’s Year-in-Review Video Set Off a Civil War December 13, 2018 Advertising and Marketing +4 Downloads and Streaming Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Technology Video Recordings Advertising and Marketing Downloads and Streaming Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Technology Video Recordings
YouTube Disciplines Right-Wing Channels as It Steps Up Moderation Efforts March 03, 2018 Fla Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT +2 NYT Parkland Rumors and Misinformation Shooting (2018) Technology Fla Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Parkland Rumors and Misinformation Shooting (2018) Technology
Twitter, Facing Another Uproar, Pauses Its Verification Process November 09, 2017 2017) Charlottesville +4 Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Social Media Technology Va Violence (August 2017) Charlottesville Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Social Media Technology Va Violence (August
A Hunt for Ways to Disrupt the Work of Online Radicalization August 23, 2017 Computers and the Internet +2 Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Technology Whites Computers and the Internet Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT NYT Technology Whites