Facebook Is Weaker Than We Knew October 04, 2021 Computers and the Internet IFTTT +5 Mobile Applications News and News Media NYT NYTimes Social Media Technology Teenagers and Adolescence Computers and the Internet IFTTT Mobile Applications News and News Media NYT NYTimes Social Media Technology Teenagers and Adolescence
Facebook Releases Internal Research, and Downplays It, on Eve of Hearing September 29, 2021 Computers and the Internet +9 Corporate Social Responsibility Depression (Mental) IFTTT Mental Health and Disorders NYT NYTimes Research Social Media Technology Teenagers and Adolescence Computers and the Internet Corporate Social Responsibility Depression (Mental) IFTTT Mental Health and Disorders NYT NYTimes Research Social Media Technology Teenagers and Adolescence
Instagram introduces changes to protect teenagers on its platform. July 27, 2021 Advertising and Marketing +9 Computers and the Internet IFTTT Mobile Applications NYT NYTimes Online Advertising Privacy Social Media Technology Teenagers and Adolescence Youth Advertising and Marketing Computers and the Internet IFTTT Mobile Applications NYT NYTimes Online Advertising Privacy Social Media Technology Teenagers and Adolescence Youth