
How Amazon Taught Alexa to Speak in an Irish Brogue

How Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant Lost the A.I. Race

‘Alexa, Why Do We Keep Buying You?’

Amazon Should Invent With Care

Your Own Backyard Movies, on a Budget

Buyers of Amazon Devices Are Guinea Pigs. That’s a Problem.

Why All the Fury at Apple?

An S.O.S. for Listening at Home

Activate This ‘Bracelet of Silence,’ and Alexa Can’t Eavesdrop

The Week in Tech: New Decade, Same Old Trouble in Washington

Amazon Wants Alexa to Move (With You) Far Beyond the Living Room

Facebook Unveils Portal, a Video-Calling Device

Hey Alexa, Defrost My Peas

Alexa and Siri Can Hear This Hidden Command. You Can’t.

Apple’s HomePod Has Arrived. Don’t Rush to Buy It.

Apple Postpones Release of HomePod Speaker

Amazon’s Vision of Computing’s Future: An Information Appliance

Alexa, What Happens if the Echo Has a Screen? You Get This Review

Apple Needs to Reinvent Itself. It Just Might Be Doing So.

With New Echo Speakers, Amazon Lets You Ask Alexa to Phone Mom