Google Employees Brace for a Cost-Cutting Drive as Anxiety Mounts December 28, 2022 Economic Conditions and Trends Layoffs and Job Reductions NYT NYTimes Online Advertising United States Economy Workplace Environment +
A Slew of Tech Companies Announce Hiring Freezes and Job Cuts November 03, 2022 Company Reports Hiring and Promotion Labor and Jobs Layoffs and Job Reductions NYT NYTimes United States Economy +
Bitcoin Was Made for This Moment. So Why Isn’t It Booming? March 11, 2022 Bitcoin (Currency) Embargoes and Sanctions IFTTT NYT NYTimes Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2022) Technology United States Economy Virtual Currency War and Armed Conflicts +
Companies That Rode Pandemic Boom Get a Reality Check March 11, 2021 Computers and the Internet Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) E-Commerce IFTTT NYT NYTimes Quarantine (Life and Culture) Stocks and Bonds Technology United States Economy +
Winning With Uncle Sam’s Help February 05, 2021 Computer Chips IFTTT NYT NYTimes Politics and Government Technology United States Economy +
Don’t Fear the Robots, and Other Lessons From a Study of the Digital Economy November 17, 2020 Community Colleges Computers and the Internet E-Learning IFTTT Labor and Jobs NYT NYTimes Research Technology United States Economy Vocational Training Wages and Salaries +
Amazon Wins Without Even Trying July 31, 2020 Antitrust Laws and Competition Issues Computers and the Internet Fees and Rates) IFTTT NYT NYTimes Prices (Fares Technology United States Economy +
TikTok Enlists Army of Lobbyists as Suspicions Over China Ties Grow July 15, 2020 Defense and Military Forces IFTTT Lobbying and Lobbyists NYT NYTimes Social Media Surveillance of Citizens by Government Technology United States Economy United States Politics and Government +
Why ‘Fred’ Is the Best Friend of Economics Writers August 08, 2018 Computers and the Internet Mobile Applications IFTTT NYT Technology United States Economy +
Apple Announces $1 Billion Fund to Create U.S. Jobs in Manufacturing May 03, 2017 Factories and Manufacturing Labor and Jobs IFTTT NYT Technology United States Economy +