
Facebook, Google and Twitter Rebel Against Pakistan’s Censorship Rules

Britain to Create Regulator for Internet Content

F.T.C. Broadens Review of Tech Giants, Homing In on Their Deals

Why Google Backtracked on Its New Search Results Look

How a Top Antitrust Official Helped T-Mobile and Sprint Merge

Stamping Out Online Sex Trafficking May Have Pushed It Underground

Online Sex Trafficking Law Shows Difficulty of Reining In Big Tech

Silicon Valley Learns Washington’s Language (and Vice Versa)

Silicon Valley’s Biggest Foe Is Getting Even Tougher

California Says Facebook Failed to Comply With Subpoenas

Can Flying Taxis Live Up to the Hype?

California Attorney General Is a No-Show on Tech Investigations

Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency Faces Exodus of Partners

The Week in Tech: An Emerging Twist on Antitrust

How Top-Valued Microsoft Has Avoided the Big Tech Backlash

Getting Your Medical Records Through an App? There’s a Catch. And a Fight.

F.T.C. Orders Facebook to Add Oversight of Data Practices

F.T.C. Orders Facebook to Add Oversight of Data Practices

Qualcomm Is Fined Again by European Regulators for Antitrust Behavior

With Bitcoin’s Stumble, ‘the Smart Money Knows That Crypto Is Not Ready’