Google Seeks to Break Vicious Cycle of Online Slander June 10, 2021 Computers and the Internet Cyberharassment IFTTT Libel and Slander NYT NYTimes Privacy Search Engines Technology +
The Slander Industry April 24, 2021 Computers and the Internet IFTTT Libel and Slander NYT NYTimes Technology +
Canadian Woman Cited in Online Attacks Is Arrested in Toronto February 10, 2021 Computers and the Internet IFTTT Libel and Slander NYT NYTimes Suits and Litigation (Civil) Technology +
A Vast Web of Vengeance January 30, 2021 Computers and the Internet Cyberharassment IFTTT Libel and Slander NYT NYTimes Rumors and Misinformation Suits and Litigation (Civil) Technology +
Founder of 8chan Faces Arrest on ‘Cyberlibel’ Charge February 27, 2020 Fringe Groups and Movements IFTTT Libel and Slander Mass Shootings NYT Technology +