
Why is Elizabeth Holmes testifying?

What Ms. Holmes’s lawyers are likely to argue.

U.S. Rests Its Case in the Elizabeth Holmes Trial

U.S. sues Uber, saying it discriminated against people with disabilities.

Facebook Faces New Antitrust Lawsuit

Facebook will pay up to $14 million to settle claims it favored foreign workers over Americans.

YouTube Sued Over Animal Abuse Videos, Accused of Not Enforcing Ban

Facebook urges court to dismiss latest F.T.C. antitrust suit.

Activision hires new executives after a workplace culture lawsuit.

Pinterest Accused of Not Paying Female ‘Co-Creator’

Why Apple Won Its Legal Settlement With Developers

Apple Settlement Gives App Developers a Way to Avoid Its Commission

A Judge Declared California’s Gig Worker Law Unconstitutional. Now What?

Zoom Agrees to Settle Lawsuit Over ‘Zoombombing'

Activision, Facing Internal Turmoil, Grapples With #MeToo Reckoning

The F.T.C. asks for an extension to refile its Facebook antitrust suit.

Clearview AI raises $30 million from investors despite legal troubles.

Dozens of States Are Suing Google Over App Store Fees

WhatsApp Sues India’s Government to Stop New Internet Rules

Apple and Epic Head to Court Over Their Slices of the App Pie