
Instagram Says Parental Controls Will Arrive in March

The head of Instagram agrees to testify as Congress probes the app’s effects on young people.

A Fix-It Job for Government Tech

Samsung will build a $17 billion chip plant in Texas.

Senate approves Jonathan Kanter, a Big Tech critic, as the top U.S. antitrust official.

Senate approves Jonathan Kanter, a Big Tech critic, as the top U.S. antitrust official.

Clearview AI finally takes part in a federal accuracy test.

Hackers lay claim to Donald Trump’s social app before its launch.

Lawmakers question whether Amazon executives, including Jeff Bezos, misled Congress.

No, there is no evidence that migrants are driving the surge in Covid-19 cases.

Twitter Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene for Posting Coronavirus Misinformation

Facebook Tells Biden: ‘Facebook Is Not the Reason’ Vaccination Goal Was Missed

The F.C.C. proposes further restrictions on Chinese telecom equipment.

One of Big Tech’s Biggest Critics Is Now Its Regulator

Lina Khan, a critic of Big Tech, wins confirmation to the F.T.C.

What Digital Data About You Can the U.S. Get?

Lawmakers slam Facebook’s Oversight Board decision to uphold Trump ban.

Facebook panel will reveal on Wednesday whether Trump will regain his megaphone.

Biden’s Plan to Fix America’s Internet

That Spotty Wi-Fi? There’s $100 Billion to Fix It.